The greenhouse, also known as the glass house, is a building designed to protect against tender or off-season plants against extreme cold or heat. In the past, greenhouses were modest bricks or wooden shelters with little source of light and some sources of heat.

As glass became cheaper and more refined forms of heating became available, the greenhouse was transformed into a ceiling-and-walled structure made of minimal wood or metal skeletons. By the middle of the nineteenth century, the greenhouse had evolved from a mere shelter to a hostile environment, tailored to the needs of particular plants.

The large-scale increase in the availability of exotic plants in the 19th century resulted in a large increase in the culture of glasshouses in England and elsewhere.

Large greenhouses are important for agriculture and horticulture and botanical sciences, while small structures are commonly used by hobbyists, collectors and domestic gardeners.

The modern greenhouse is usually a glass or plastic enclosure structure used for the preparation of fruits, vegetables, flowers and other plants that require temperatures that include double slopes, or A-shaped, roofs. And the lean greenhouse, which has only one roof slope in the building and supports the side of a building.

Greenhouses with two or more periods are sometimes combined together to reduce the number of outer walls, and as a result lower heating costs. So that the plants get the most natural light throughout the day.

Plastic films, such as polythene or poly vinyl, and fiberglass are also common. The structure is made of aluminum, galvanized steel, or wood made of wood, red wall or cypress. The greenhouse is partially heated by the rays of the sun and partly by artificial sources, such as steam, hot water, or hot air.

Since a greenhouse can be very hot and cold as well as hot, therefore, some kind of ventilating system is also needed. It usually consists of the opening of the roof, which can be done mechanically or automatically.

Will Morris is an Intermediate Gardener, one of the founding members of the Greenhouse Deals Store, a company offering affordable high quality greenhouses in the United States. Meet them today at the

There are many benefits to gardening using outdoor structures and greenhouses. Greenhouse gardening offers many benefits that go beyond the benefits of traditional gardening. Whether you choose to go with a very simple greenhouse or even wider, you can still enjoy a wide variety of benefits.

If you are considering growing plants inside the greenhouse, here are some benefits that you may want to consider.



Benefit # 1

 One of the most important benefit of a green house is that it offers you the longer plant growth season.

In a greenhouse, the temperature is not so different, because the sun's heat trapped and gets stuck in the wall, and it retains heat in the texture. Growing seasons can be extended, even in cold nights.

Benefit # 2  

Taking care of a garden in difficult weather can be difficult. With the greenhouse, you don't have to worry about it because everything is covered. Even if it's raining outside, you can do the gardening and staying dry and warm.

Benefit # 3

Can grow a wide variety of plants. When using the greenhouse you have the ability to grow a wide variety of plants. This allows you to enjoy exotic plant experiences that are not found in the local area.

Benefit # 4 

 Pest and predator protection is another great benefit through the greenhouse. Insects and predators such as moles, deer and squirrels can easily stay away.

Small insects and some mice can also be excluded with the addition of screens. Strong greenhouse plastics can be purchased at online retailers (like simple Plastic).

Benefit # 5 

Create a maximizing environment , provide proper amount of light and heat source; with the greenhouse, you can maximize the yield of plants. Because you are capable of creating a controlled environment, whether you are growing herbs, vegetables, flowers or other types of plants.

Creating an optimum growing environment helps you grow plants while giving you the benefit of healthy, productive plants.


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