Vegetable and fruit growing is a very healthy activity in the home and garden.Kitchen container gardening is not only ahealthy activity but we can enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables from garden.


Here I am going to explain the basics of Kitchen Gardening and the different features of vegetables and fruits, their sowing, growth, care, safety and harvesting season.

Remember, when I started early working in my garden, I didn't understand any benefits at that time. I said I would not be interested in gardening until I was 40 years old.  Now, though I am eight years away from this milestone, I have found my garden amazing.

There are a lot of home kitchen garden types but here i am explaining the most best type.

                             CONTAINER GARDENING.


Container gardening is the kind of garden I personally l like it's an easy way to start, 
and works wellif you have limited space.This is just my second year gardening, and last year I struggled;


The lettuce burned in the sun, the pepper grew into a beautiful plant that had no real vegetation,and the squash bulls had eliminated the tomato plants but never really bore fruit.


Like me, you may have periods of trial and error, but eventually, you will be worth iThis year I am successfully cultivating potatoes, basil and oregano, and green spinaalso starting to grow, making me feel confident that this year will be a success.


What is the most important thing to remember when planting in growth containers is thatthe roots of plants can still go down. Make sure your containers are deep and wide enough toaccommodate your vegetables.


For example, most of my vegetable containers are about 12 to 14 inches wide and 10 to 12
inches deep.
Depth is especially important when growing root vegetables, such as potatoes. 

Here is a list of 10 vegetables that grow really well in the container.

    • Tomato
    • Potato
    • Cucumber 
    • Black Pepper 
    • Green Onion
    • Turned Green Beans
    • Lettuce American pumpkin
    • While carrots and tomatoes grow well in the same container, 
    • squash needs to be grown in a separate pot , as its bulls grow.

As you grow more in gardening during the growing season, you will find that some

           vegetables are more productive than others.

For example;

lettuce, Chris and spinach easily produce high yields on long hot days.

While cucumbers and carrots as well as herbs flourish in the spring season.

Here are several tips to enhance your growing production season.
Plants must be designed according to the natural environment and continue to pick vegetables
so that they do not fall into seeds.

Squash, beans, eggplant, and pepper, if they are neglected, these plants will stop
producing new ones.Give the correct amount of sun.

Delicate plants such as lettuce, crust, and spinach need partial shade.
Place them in a place where they get morning and evening sun instead of afternoon.

Root vegetables, peppers and tomatoes need more direct sunlight and should have at least
five hours of sunlight each day.

Keep watering , Do not allow your plants to dry. Watering in the evening is best.
Because watering directly in the heat can damage your plants.

Provide water every day, but be careful not to over-water.
Nesting grass can also keep away ants, aphids, and other harmful insects that destroy plants.

Remember the last word, no matter what kind of gardening project you work on,
you may experience some failures. This is a common part of gardening.


      Instead of going out and getting expensive container gardening tips, try to practice and

experiments yourself. Just learn the basics and start with the plant After you've mastered

the basics, move on.

There is no one else you can be happier with than moving your vegetables from seed to table

And in doing so, you will have a lot of fun and save a lot of profit.


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